5 Things to Keep in Mind When Find Crochet is Hard

When I first starting crochet, I practiced with my aunt within one day learning how to hold yarn and hook, learning how to make 5 basic crochet stitches and how to read diagram pattern. The first few hours are very crucial to me as my hands are so awkward with the new routine.

First time crocheting is difficult as our hands are getting familiar with the routine. It requires practice of hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills to get the tension right while busy counting stitches and get the stitches done correctly. Like other life skills, crocheting skills takes time and practice to master. Hence, it requires constant practice to get better in crocheting skills.

When I taught my friends on how to crochet, I find it is very common for beginners to feel awkward holding hook and yarn for the first time while trying to make that very first chain. Making the next 20 chains are even worse; the first few chains size are not even, as beginners are focusing to getting their hands familiar with crocheting activity. After some time of practice, the chains become more even over time after their hands get it.

When it comes to make double crochet after chaining, it becomes more frustrating! Sometimes the chains made are too small that the crochet hook can’t slip through. Sometimes we skipped stitch without we realized, then we frustrating why the number of chains are not enough?

And we were like; how on earth our grandma can crochet while watching Netflix?

When crocheting feels so hard to ace, keep these 5 things in your mind:

Practice using medium weight yarn or bigger weight

I understand that when a person is just starting out a new hobby, fearing to spend a lot of money on the new hobby at trial phase – just in case if you don’t like it and that’s okay.

For beginners, I recommend minimum medium weight yarn (or 10 ply yarn) made from cheap material such as acrylic or cotton. Use 5 – 6 mm crochet hook for medium weight yarn. You can even try bigger size of yarn if you feels that medium weight yarn is not workable for you.

Loosening your foundation chain

New crocheters often caught up when doing single/half double/double crochets above the chains because their hooks unable to insert the chains to grab yarns. Or they are unable to identify which chain should they insert.

I did the same too when I first starting.

I read a lot of recommendation to loosen up the foundation chain so that you can get yourself easy to insert hook in the chain to make single crochet on top of it.

Don’t shy away to use one crochet hook bigger than the initial size to make that loose chain. After finishing chaining, use the original size hook back to work on single crochet stitches.

Start small and simple project

This is so important to get your crochet motivation going without feeling burning out. Like going to gym, a person should not jump to 10 kg dumb bell as it will deteriorate his progress to become fit and healthy. Same goes to crochet skills too; pick a project that par with your current skill level. It’s okay to start small and simple project.

For beginners, projects such as granny squares, coasters, bags, pouches, cases, dishclothes and hats are suitable to try as they are easy, fun and beautiful to make. (Check out 15+ crochet project ideas for beginners)

When I was starting out, I learned to make crochet flower appliques and make keychains from that.

Over time, you can challenge yourself to make bigger and complicated crochet patterns.

Journal your crochet progress

Whether you are just starting out or you are a pro level crocheter, I recommend to journal your crochet progress! As we tend to belittle ourselves by thinking; “I’m not crocheting enough this month”, we will realize that how much we progressing when we keep the progress journey in a journal.

Write your small wins. Write your excitement. Write your crochet project wish list and deadlines. Write your ideas what to crochet next.

Capture everything. Things will never gone when you record your progress.

Keep practicing

We want to practice our muscle memories. There is no shortcut for this other than keep practicing. Bring your yarn and hook anywhere. Crochet them before bed. Crochet during lunch breaks. Crochet while travelling and commuting.

Your hands and brains will eventually get used to crocheting routine. At this point, you can crocheting while watching Netflix without concerning whether you have accidentally skipped a stitch or not.